It is Wednesday and many cats are wordless. Why? I always have a lot to say, especially on Wednesdays!
For example:
Airstream is now parked in Tempe, Arizona. People #2's work takes us to many different places.
It is late November and the kitties in cyberspace talk about being cold. Well, I am NOT cold here.
People #2 says we are in the desert. Isn't this a special treat after dinner? I need to tell him that he is saying it wrong.
I like to jump into People #2's lap while he sits in front of the computer. Well, truth be told I do not actually JUMP up -- this would be far too undignified -- but I stretch my front paws up onto his legs to let him know that a visitation is imminent.
People #2 reaches down with both hands and pulls me up, supporting me near the back legs. He makes sure not to squeeze me, because I tend to screech bloody murder if I am squeezed.
(Another secret: I am a big cat who looks really tough but actually I have a very high meow.)
I sit on his lap and enjoy having my head scratched for a minute. But then it is time for treats! Stop the scratching and get busy with the vittles already!
Then People #1, who sits right next to People #2 with his computer, brings out a pencil and lays it on the counter. Now it is time to play with that.
I reach out an exploratory paw and push the pencil. Sometimes I grab it with my teeth. Whatever I do, the end result is the same: PENCIL ON FLOOR.
Objective achieved. Now what?
I am bored, and jump off People #2's lap.
I go back to sleep on the couch. Here's a shot of me here in Tempe.

See the thing named "Mobile Home" through Airstream's window? The Peoples that live in it have been fixing their porch. They finally stop hammering on it a couple days ago. Thank you.
Now let me tell you about our neighbors behind us. This will excite me for a minute.
People #2 tells me that Airstream is at an "RV Park". It looks just like all the other ones with this name. Other boxes -- not as pretty as Airstream -- are parked nearby.
RV Park has a brick wall separating it from what Peoples call Trailer Park on the other side. That place is not as nice as RV Park.
They have the same last name. Are they in the same family?
Here is a picture of Airstream where she sits now.

Behind her are the Peoples who live right behind us in Trailer Park. They have a dog.
A small, yappy dog who never shuts up!
You do not believe me? Here is the video to prove it:
Every time my Peoples open Airstream's windows, I have to listen to this dog. But then it gets hot and the Peoples close the windows and turn on the air conditioning. I do not hear the dog any more, hooray!
It makes me miss our dog Ringo, who never barks unless you ask him to.
Ringo going away is another story. I save up all these stories since January.
You are in for a TREAT. Speaking it lap time again?
Well, I use a lot of words on Wednesday. I hope you are okay with that.
Your Airstream is cool! But that barking dog would get on my very last nerve.
Being a big guy with a small meow is nothing to be ashamed of. I'm that way, too.
Mom says someday we'll all live in Arid-zona. Until we get there, could you send some heat our way?
Max S.
good gosh that's quite the adventure.
Rupert, that lil' yapface needs me to come over there and BOP him on the head like a lil' field mouse.
Your vehicle is very cool. Your interior decoration is muy cool. One thing, tho'. My eyes got a little bit crossed when I was looking at you on that crazy couch!
The Crew: My meow is not small. It is just HIGH.
I will do the best I can to send you some heat.
Angus Mhor: Why do you think I keep my eyes closed? ;-)
Wow! You did have a lot to say today!
Our Oliver is huge but his miaow is but a high pitched squeak. Who needs a huge fofhorn bellow of a miaow when you have presence? (says Oliver)
Rupert you are so well travelled, you look so fit and happy when travelling too, we could not hope to look anything other than frazzled by such things.
We love the picture of you down there in the snow.
Whicky Wuudler
I'm little with a big meow and a love of singing. My sister Ginger is huge! Ginger has a high pitched squeak of a meow. I think you have a lot in common...except the travel part. She doesn't like going anywhere.
I really like your Airstream, but that little barking dog...not so much!
We love your shiny silver house! But not that yappy ol' woofie! Rupert, you look to be the King of your Airstream.
Rupert, you are the most amazingly well travelled cat I have ever met.
My next door neighbours have a dog that barks ALL THE TIME too. We are all annoyed with her but we know she is bored and lonely (she spends a lot of time outside alone) so we are annoyed with her parents mostly.
Huffle: You are SO right -- it is the PARENTS of the dog who are held accountable. It is their fault the dog barks!
Hello new friend!!
I have a squeaky high mew too, and I'm a BIG boy... so I know how you feel :)
Our mum says there is nothing lovelier than a mancat with a little meow. I am one of those mancats, too!
Your RV travelling sounds very cool. It must be great to get such a good look around the country:)
It's great to meet you Rupert. What adventures you have!
Hi Rupert! Thanks for coming to visit us - we always like to meet new kitties out in cyberspace! It looks like you have a great blog - you are so lucky to live someplace nice and warm like California! We can't wait to check out more of your adventures!
Hey Rupert! Nice to meet you. So you spend time in Pacifica every year? It's nice there, just up the coast from us.
We're going to add you to our blog list so we don't miss any more of your posts.
Purrs, Busby and Ray
Gee Rupert!! You really have been having quite the adventures!!! Your home on wheels is pretty cool too ;)
WE like reading your stories and look forward to more :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
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