Merry Christmas! The only present I get this year is something THEY take away. Whatever -- it's a blessing in any case. I'm feeling so much better now!
Twice a day, People #1 keeps sticking another tube into the corner of my mouth. At least it doesn't stay there long. It spits out this nasty tasting stuff, but I take it like the mancat that I am.
Except the few times that I manage to spit it out. Ha ha ha!
I'm training my People to give me treats as soon as that tube is out of my mouth.
Now I'm sitting here waiting for my special Christmas dinner. A word starting with an "h" might freeze over first.

People #2 picks me up and puts me on another part of the couch while HE eats off that plate. Oh well.
I'm a little bit annoyed but at least he pets me all the time while he's eating, and I purr in contentment, despite my best efforts to remain aloof.
Happy-happy, All!
Merry Christmas, Rupert! Glad you're feeling better.
Aww Happy Happy Rupey!! I am glad that the tube is gone, though I am sure it would have got the ladeez attenshuns ;)
If you can't have their foodz I suppose pets is the next best thing :))
Merry Christmas, Rupert! I didn't get any special food for Christmas either. That's a very nice picture of you and the plate, though. At least we can dream!
I'm glad you are feeling better.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WE hope your Christmas was a happy one :)
Good luck with the people training :)
Wishing you a HAPPY NEW YEAR too!!!!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia and Tillie
Hey Rupert! We hope you had a Merry Christmas and Santa Claws was very good to you!
I'm so glad you're feeling better. That is such a cute picture of you waiting for your special Christmas dinner. I hope you got it.
Rupert....are you ok? Was the vet visit routine or are you sick. I hope you are ok.
Happt New Year to you!
Hey Rupert, are you okay? Things seemed better for you on Christmas Day (even if you didn't get to eat that yummy-looking plate of food) so I hope the holidays were great for you and your beans and that this new year 2009 is being good to you all. Report please Lord Rupert the Phluffy of Hireegardnitude! :) xxx
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