Friday, December 29, 2006

Something's Going On

For a few sleeps now, both my People act strangely.

They run around the house moving stuff in new places. I like new spots to sit, especially when there's a coat involved. One of the first things to learn in Kitty 101.

But there's something UP. My People don't usually put things into boxes. They most often take them out.

I'm going back on my grand piano perch and lick myself for a while and wait to see what happens.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Publicity Photo

I get my People#1 to put together my résume, it looks pretty good. These pics show me at my docile best. Claws retracted for the moment.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


I get up this morning early as usual. Always earlier than my People do.

I eat the few bites of dry left in my bowl. Doesn't sit well. I hack up a bunch of hair which wanted to come out for a while now. A nice three- or four-incher. Whew.


I've always wanted one of these things

I'm doing it. A kitty blog. My People fight me but I finally win. After a LOT of meowing.